The Number One Article on Proxy Sites

The term “proxy” refers to a proxy, also called an application called a proxy, acts to act as a mediator between the server and user on the internet. With no proxy in place, a customer could submit a request for the resource directly to a server, and the server would serve the resource directly to the user. While this approach is straightforward to grasp and implement, the addition of proxies can bring benefits like improved performance and security, privacy, and more. As an additional pass-through layer the proxy acts as a guardian for the internet between clients and servers.

In general, the mixture of the server’s hardware and installed proxy software is commonly referred too as proxy servers. This article will concentrate on proxies which are generally defined as software, and in the context of web servers. This article will present an in-depth breakdown of two types: the forward proxy and reverse proxy. reverse proxy. Each kind has its own unique usage situation, and it is frequently not understood due to the similar terms.

This article will give you details about what proxy services and subtypes are, and the way they work in a variety of configurations. By reading this article, you’ll be able identify circumstances in which using proxies can be beneficial, and choose the most appropriate solution between reverse and forward proxy depending on the situation.

Understanding Forward Proxies

The forward proxy, sometimes referred to as the open proxy serves as a representative for a customer who needs to send an internet request to the server that made it. In this case, the entire effort to send requests by the user will be sent via the forward proxy. A forward proxy acting in place of the client will take a look into the request. Then, it determines whether this client has the right to transmit requests using this specific forward proxy. It then decides whether to deny any request or to forward it to the source server. The client is not able to have direct access for the web. It can access only what forward proxy permits it to access.

A popular use for forward proxies is greater privacy or security when using the internet. Forward proxy is able to access the internet on behalf of a client, and by doing this it can make use of a different IP address than the IP address that was originally used by the client.

Depending on how it has been configured depending on how it’s configured forward proxy can provide you with different features based on the configuration, which allows you to:

  • Don’t be a victim of ad-tracking.
  • Circumvent surveillance.
  • Recognize the restrictions based on your location.

Forward proxies can also be used for security systems that are centralized as well as permission-based access for instance, such as at work. When all internet traffic passes via an open forward proxy an administrator is able to permit just a handful of users online access through the firewall. Instead of establishing firewalls on the server layer which could comprise a range of computers with various environments and users A firewall can be positioned on top of the front proxy level.

It is important to remember that forward proxies must be manually setup for use, whereas reverse proxies can not be noticed by the user. Based on the type of IP address of the user who is transferred to the server from which it originated via forward proxy Privacy and anonymity could be granted or denied.

There are numerous alternatives to look into for forward proxies.

  • Apache A well-known open source web server, which offers forward proxy features.
  • Nginx is another widely-used open-source webserver that comes with capability to use forward proxy.
  • Squid: A no-cost forward proxy using the HTTP protocol. This doesn’t offer the entire web server. We have an article about the best method to set up Squid proxy to connect privately in Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Dante is an forward proxy that makes use of the SOCKS protocol instead of HTTP and HTTP, which makes it better for usage scenarios like peer-to-peer communication. It is also possible to learn how to set up Dante proxy to allow private connections in Ubuntu 20.04

Understanding Reverse Proxies

A reverse proxy is an agent for a web server, which handles incoming requests from clients on behalf of. The web server may include servers, or even multiple servers. Also, it could become an application-server like Gunicorn. In either of these scenarios the request will come via the internet at large. In most cases, the request will be made directly to the webserver with the information the user is looking for. A reverse proxy serves as an intermediary, isolating this webserver from direct communication with the open internet.

From the perspective of the user, the experience of interacting with a reverse proxy is no different from communicating with an internet server directly. It’s functionally the same however the client is unable to discern the difference. The client requests an item and receives it, without any extra configuration required on the part of the client.

Reverse proxies can provide features such as:

  • Security centralized to web server.
  • Directing incoming traffic according to rules you have set.
  • New caching functionality has been added.

While centralized security is a benefit of both forward and reverse proxy servers. However, reverse proxy servers provide this benefit only to the layer of the webserver and not to those who are on the client side. instead of the maintenance of firewalls in webserver level which might contain many servers and various configurations, the majority in firewall protection is targeted at the reverse proxy layer. Furthermore, the removal of the burden of interfacing with firewalls and connecting with requests from customers off of web servers enables them to focus solely on serving the requirements of their clients.

In the case of multiple servers operating with reverse-proxies, the reverse proxy can also handle the direction that requests are directed towards which servers. Multiple web servers may be running on the same server, each providing different kinds of resources, or a mix of the two. They may use the HTTP protocol as a traditional web server, however they could also be outfitted with applications server protocols, like FastCGI. You can set up reverse proxy servers that redirect visitors to specific server based on the service you request, or to specific rules pertaining to the load of traffic.

Reverse proxies may also benefit from their placement over web servers, as they provide the ability to cache. The large static resources can be set up with caching rules to avoid having to contact web servers every time. Some solutions allowing you to directly serve static assets without having to communicate with the webserver at all. Additionally the reverse proxy is able to handle the compression of these assets.

The well-known Nginx web server is also used as a well-known reverse proxy solution. Even though Apache is a reverse proxy solution, the Apache web server does have reverse proxy features however, it’s a distinct feature to Apache in contrast to Nginx was originally designed to and is focused on the reverse proxy feature.

Differentiating Forward Proxy and reverse Proxy Use The Case

Since “forward” and “reverse” are ascribed to a sense of directionality and inaccurate comparisons to “incoming” in addition to “outgoing” traffic the labels can be confusing since both kinds of proxies handle requests and responses. The best method to distinguish between reverse and forward proxy services is to look at the needs of the application you’re creating.

Reverse proxy can be useful when you are developing a solution that can offer web-based applications on the internet. They serve as your web servers for any interaction you make on the web.

Forward proxy is useful when they are displayed in front of users either for personal use, or even in a workplace setting. They represent your client’s traffic when you use the internet.

The practice of segregating by use case rather than just focusing on the most standard naming conventions can help ensure that you aren’t confused.


This article explains the meaning of a proxy, focusing on the two major kinds, namely forward proxy and reverse proxy. Practical examples of use and an overview of useful features were used to differentiate forward proxies from reverse proxy. If you’re keen to learn more about the benefits of proxies, then you can read our guide on how to configure Nginx as a reverse and web server proxy in Apache on an Ubuntu 20.04 Server.

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